Introducing Polyton

No-code Telegram Token Mini-apps Platform

Welcome to Polyton - an easy to use no-code Telegram Mini-App (TMA) Games builder that allows anyone to launch a Game with a Token in several clicks.

Launch a viral Telegram game with a token in 5 minutes! It is easy, secure, and fun!

Polyton is a revolutionary no-code platform that empowers users to create Telegram mini-apps and tokens effortlessly, whether for interactive games or innovative token-driven ecosystems.

Our platform introduces the first-of-its-kind net positive token model, where both traders and players contribute to the token’s liquidity. Whether through classic trading or gameplay activities like in-game microtransactions and marketing quests, liquidity grows organically as your project evolves.

With Polyton, you’re not just creating a game or token — you’re building an engaging ecosystem that scales with your community.

  • Create interactive, viral Telegram mini-apps and games in just a few clicks.

  • Design and implement tokenized economies with built-in liquidity mechanisms.

  • Utilize referral systems, leaderboards, and airdrops to grow their user base.

  • Set up automated trading pools and watch liquidity grow from in-game transactions, ads, and community activities.

Note that how selling tokens or trading against other players is NOT anymore required to launch a token.

Grow your playerbase, add more content to your game, collaborate with other Web3 projects, and your token’s liquidity will organically grow!

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