📈Bonding Curve Sale

Whales Meme uses a bonding curve to determine jetton prices. A bonding curve is a mathematical formula that governs how the price of an jetton changes as more tokens are bought or sold.

In place of a fixed rate, the cost for the subsequent token of a pool is determined via a quadratic bonding curve rooted in the pool's current token count. The price of each token depends only on the number of token already out there. When there are more tokens, the price of each token in TON goes higher.

To actually calculate the token price at any given point on the bonding curve, we defined 2 parameters A and B as below:

Parameter A (PA)

PA = (TS-1)*(TS-1)/(TP-IP)

Parameter B (PB)


Using the above parameters, we can calculate the eggshell price at current supply (S) as below:

Price = (S*(S+1)*(2*S+1)/6 - (S-1)*S*(2*S-1)/6 + PB)/PA

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