🎓Soft/Hard Cap Sale

This is the basic mode of Poyton operation

Soft/Hard cap

In the oversubscription model, a fixed quantity of tokens is sold at a fixed price based on each buyer's total spending. Here are the key features of this sales method:

The sale lasts for a set period and doesn't close if the cap is reached; it continues until all interested buyers have purchased tokens.

If the sale attracts more investment than anticipated, excess payments are refunded. For instance:

  • Let's consider a token sale valued at $100,000, running for 24 hours.

  • During the sale, buyers contribute $200,000, resulting in a 200% oversubscription.

  • At the end of the 24-hour period, buyers receive a 50% refund (1-100k/200k) and obtain tokens proportionate to the remaining funds in the pool.

The advantage of this sales structure is that every investor is guaranteed to acquire some tokens. While they may receive fewer tokens than initially anticipated, they still obtain a share.

Polyton Safety Features

Team allocation vesting/cliff prevents dump and ensures that meme coin team remains committed to the project over the long term. By receiving tokens gradually over time, team members are incentivized to stay onboard and contribute to the project's success, aligning their interests with those of investors and stakeholders.

After the sale liquidity from a sale is automatically locked in the swap pool so that a token created can never “rugpull” the users by stealing the funds.

Last updated